world athletics championships 2023 schedule

 2023 is going to be full of fun for sports lover because 5 world championship tournament going to be held in 2023 . Be ready for 2023 . Here is the list of  Sport events  . 

  • Cricket World cup   ( Expected Place : India)
  • Rugby Union  World Cup   (Expected Place : France)
  • World Athletics Championship   (Expected Place : Budapest)
  • Word Swimming Championship  (Expected Place : Japan) 
  • Women's Football World cup  (Expected Place : Australia and New Zealand)

Cricket World cup 2023

As India will be the host team of Cricket World Cup . There is big controversy that Pakistan may boycott world cup if India refuses to play Asia cup scheduled for Pakistan . Despite all England was the last time champion of Cricket World Cup . Expected date for Cricket World Cup 2023 is oct-nov .10 teams will play in cricket World Cup 2023 are as follows according to there rank .
Cricket World cup 2023

World Cup 2023 Teams

  1. England 
  2. New Zealand 
  3. India 
  4. Pakistan 
  5. Australia
  6. South Africa 
  7. Bangladesh
  8. Sri lanka
  9. West Indies 
  10. Afghanistan

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