Tere bin drama summary


Tere bin drama summary

Tere Bin Drama is a love story of two characters who have completely different thoughts from each other . Murtasim who consider the family tradition above his own life and on the other hand, Meerub who do not consider these traditions as anything else.She always embraced humanity, considering the chains of imprisonment for the unitary traditions .On the basis of differences in problems, how will the pains of both of them go forward and create love in the hearts of those who have different personalities. This is what creates curiosity in viewers .

Tere bin drama summary 

The story revolves around three characters Haya , Meerub and Murtasim .Meera's mother dies after her birth, which makes her father hate her  and  he does not want to raise her. Meerub uncle had decided to give her to one of his close friend to raise her . This separated Meerub from her family . Haya who lost her parents in childhood .She came to the house of the her  Uncle, where Murtisam's cares and loves  arises love  in her heart for Murtasim which causes a lot of trouble for her. Murtasim which is most attractive personality of Tere Bin. Seems to be strict person through out the serial.Each character has a story . Murtasim strictness hides a huge secrets  . Which going to be disclose at the end of serial . 
Murtasim and Meerub marriage is the interval part of serial . Stories move smoothly and turns to be into romantic love story. Murtasim always stands by Meerub. In the beginning Meerub didn't accept the Murtasim as his husband. After their marriage Murtasim fell in love with Meerub. He accepted her . Always waited for her approval .  Haya seems to be confuse character through out the serial She always claimed that she loves Murtasim .But in actual she wanted power . Which she gonna get after becoming wife of Murtasim . Which wouldn't happen . 

Tere bin drama Review

Personally I don't like love stories. I always look for the story . which left the good effects in its viewers life. Which can bring change in society . No doubt it's a love story. But it's a love story between husband and wife . How beautifully writer portray the care and love of husband and wife for each other. No matter if they like each other or not .They will support each other. It's a strongest relationship of this world . This is what  I like about Tere Bin Serial .  Yes it's a love story but love story of Husband and wife not GF and BF . 

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