important dialogure class 9 fbise

 Dialogue between two friends

Ali : AoA ! Zara where are you coming from ? 
Zara : I'm returning from the mosque , after saying the afternoon prayer . 
Ali : Do you go there regularly , or only once in a blue moon ?
Zara : By the grace of Allah I go there five times a day without fail. 
Ali : I'm greatly delighted to learn that you are a true Muslim. I would also tread in your footsteps from tomorrow.
Zara : But why not from today? I'll take you with me for the evening prayer. 
Ali : I've no objection . Let me thank you in advance for that.
Zara: I'm thankful to Allah for giving me a chance to show the right path to a brother of mine.
Ali : Now that we are coming so near to each other, may I know your age, if you don't mind?
Zara: So far as I think, I'm nearly sixteen. But how old are you?
Ali : I celebrated my fifteenth birthday on Friday last. 
Zara : It means that I'm older than you by a year or so .
Ali : Yes, you're right in what you say . How many brothers have you?
Zara : I have three brothers and I'm the eldest . But how many brothers have you ?
Ali : It's my hobby too. It will bring us nearer each other. 
Zara : yes, it will. We shall be pleased to exchange plants .

Dialogue between father and son about result

Father : I heartily congratulate you, Saulat, on your success in the examination.
Son : Thank you very much, father . But how have you come to know about it ? 
Father : I received a letter from your headmaster, by the morning post .
Son : Kindly show it to me , father . I want to know the division in  which I've been placed.
Father : Well, here it is You've been placed in the second division.
Son: That's very disappointing father. I expected the first division with very high marks .
Father : But it doesn't make any mention of the marks obtained by you.
Son : I was expecting a scholarship . But my result shows that there's no chance for me to join the Govt.College.
Father : not only that . You cannot even be admitted to the medical group.
Son : It has shattered my hopes and aspirations , father . I wouldn't join any college at all.
Father : What do you mean by that ?
Son : I must become a doctor , come what might .
Father : But how ? 
Son : I'll reappear in the next examination to improve my result .
Father : That's a good idea , my son . And I wish you the best of luck .
Son : Thank you , father , for your kind approval and good wishes .

Dialogue between doctor and patient about fever

Patient : Good morning , doctor .
Doctor : Good morning ,Mr. Javaid . How do you do .
Patient : I've not been feeling well since yesterday . I'm suffering from fever and have severe headache.
Doctor : Do your bowels move regularly .
Patient : No, doctor, they don't . I took a purgative yesterday, but it had no effect.
Doctor : What's your temperature . 
Patient : It was 100.2 F . a little while ago.
Doctor : Let me feel your pulse and see your tongue, too.
Patient : Doctors don't depend much upon the pulse . Nor do they bother themselves about the tongue. 
Doctor : It's wrong to say like that , Mr. Javaid . The Pulse and the tongue tell a lot about one's health.
Patient : I need a very good medicine , doctor , to make me feel quite normal, within a few hours. My exam , begins day after tomorrow.
Doctor : Take these two pills , before going to bed ; and these capsules , every two hours . And rest assured that your examination fever, will , Insha Allah , disappear before sunrise.
Patient: Thank you , doctor . That's exactly what I want .
Doctor : But don't study anything tonight, I would like you to take complete rest for a few hours. That's a must .
Patient : That's not possible doctor. But I'll try to act upon advice . Assalam o Alaikum! 
Doctor : Wa-Alaikum Assalam !

Dialogue between a grocer and a customer

Grocer : Good morning , Sir . You've come after a very long time. Have you been  out of station?
Customer : No, I've been here throughout . But I didn't come to your shop, because I didn't require anything.
Grocer : Kindly tell me, sir, what you would like to have now ? 
Customer : Please give me , first of all, ten seers of very fine rice. 
Grocer : All right , sir . Here you are . I've given you the best rice that was left with me after my son's marriage . And I'll charge you my cost price for it .Only Rs.3.50 a seer. 
Customer : Now give me a tin of Tullo or Salva.
Grocer : But why don't you , sir , purchase pure ghee. 
Customer : Pure ghee has become only a dream these days . One cannot purchase it at any price. The only way to get it is to keep a  cow or a buffalo.
Grocer : Well, sir it's very difficult to refute what you say . Here is a tin of Salva for you . 
Customer : Give me some pulses of three or four kinds . But see that they don't contain any dust or grit .
Grocer : All right , sir . I'm sure that you'll be pleased to see these . I got them cleansed under the super vision of my own wife. 
Customer : It's very pleasing to hear that. These will, Certainly be as you say. Give me a seer of oats too, if you have it .
Grocer : I can give you much more, if you like , sir. And I have some very fine beans as well. I would like you , sir , to try these . I know that they are so delicious. 
Customer : You may give me a seer of these, if you like . Now let me have a look at my list. I wonder if there's anything else that I require . Oh, yes I remember , I want some refined salt as well. 
Grocer : Here is  a packet of it, Sir . Now let me ask my servant to take all  these things to your car . 
Customer : Thank you for that , gentleman. Now give me your bill for all these things . 
Grocer : Here it is , sir.
Customer : Here is the money .
Grocer : Thank you ,sir, for your kind visit and patronage.

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