women education in islam

" It is obligatory for every Muslim , man or woman ," Says our Holy Prophet "to acquire knowledge ,and to go even upto china  in its pursuit " In the light of these words , it is not possible for any Muslim to say anything against female education. 

women education in islam

Women are very important members of society. Their duties are just as heavy as those of men. They must be able to play their part as nicely as possible. They are living in an age of science. They must know what science is and what it is doing for the service of man. Education will help them understand the world around them . It will explain to them their responsibilities and the ways in which they can discharge these, to the best of their abilities. it will tell them how to keep pace with men, in thier march towards progress in life. 

The women of today are more responsible than they were ever before. They have to do much more than their mothers, grand-mothers and great-grand-mothers used to do. They have not to keep themselves busy with cooking , sewing , washing the clothes and looking after their children all the time. They have to look the education of their children , and to teach them, where necessary . They have to understand their civic rights , and to train their children to become good citizens . They have to find ways and means to make their children honest , sincere , dutiful ,brave , conscientious and patriotic . They have to inspire their children to become true Muslims, and to die fighting for the honor of Islam and their dear homeland . They have  to keep an eye on social evils and to see that their children do not fall a prey to these . Education alone can help them do all these things with success. 

They have to study the political problems of their own country  as well as international developments .They have to realize the value of their votes and to cast them in favor of the deserving candidates alone . They have to work for the benefit of the poor, the orphans and the widows . They have to play their part for the progress of their country. And they can do all these and so many other things, for the benefit of their country and their countrymen , only if they are educated . Female education is , therefore , as essential for the nation, as preparing for war is essential for preventing.

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